tnc Carbon 250ml


Brand: TNC
Availability: Out of stock

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TNC Carbon provides a safe, easy to use alternative to a CO2 gas injection system. It is an ideal solution if installing gas cylinders is either impractical, too complicated, or too expensive. In the natural environment, Carbon is an essential requirement for plants. Plants source the Carbon from CO2 absorbed through the leaves. Most plants contain chlorophyll the pigment which makes plants green. The chlorophyll absorbs light and the plant uses the energy from the light to convert the Carbon together with water (H2O) into sugars and carbohydrates (CH2O) a process known as photosynthesis. The sugars and carbohydrates provide the energy for the plant to grow. TNC Carbon is ideal for use with TNC Complete and with TNC Plugs. It can also be used with other propriety aquarium fertilisers or as a supplement to an EI dosing regime.


Add 1ml per 50 litres of tank water per day.
Stronger doses are not recommended and must be used with caution


Contains :- 2% Gluteraldahyde

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
