30 Litre Water Lilies are fantastic feature pieces for larger Ponds, these are meticulously curated for Riverwood Aquatics for those who wish to make a grand statement in their larger ponds or water features. This collection represents the pinnacle of aquatic elegance, offering expansive blooms and lush foliage that transform… Read More

30 Litre Water Lilies are fantastic feature pieces for larger Ponds, these are meticulously curated for Riverwood Aquatics for those who wish to make a grand statement in their larger ponds or water features. This collection represents the pinnacle of aquatic elegance, offering expansive blooms and lush foliage that transform any large water body into a breathtaking natural spectacle. Perfect for expansive outdoor settings, these water lilies are selected for their robust size and dramatic impact, ensuring your water garden becomes a focal point of beauty and serenity.

A Canvas of Colour and Life

Our 30 Litre Water Lilies collection spans a diverse palette of colours, from the purest whites to the deepest reds, each variety bringing its own unique charm to your pond. The impressive spread of their leaves creates a verdant canopy on the water’s surface, providing essential shade that helps maintain a balanced ecosystem beneath. Beyond their visual appeal, these water lilies contribute to the health of your pond, offering a habitat for aquatic life and aiding in water filtration.

Designed for Grandeur

Suited for large ponds and water features, 30 Litre Water Lilies are as versatile as they are grand. They are an exceptional choice for those looking to create a serene oasis or a dynamic aquatic landscape that supports a diverse range of wildlife. Whether standing alone as majestic specimens or paired with other aquatic plants, they command attention and admiration.

Ecosystem Enhancers

The ecological benefits of Water Lilies extend far beyond their aesthetic value. Their broad leaves reduce algae growth by limiting sunlight penetration, while their roots filter and purify the water. This natural process enhances water clarity and supports a thriving underwater community, making these water lilies an integral part of any healthy pond.

Cultivation and Care

Despite their grand size, 30 Litre Water Lilies are surprisingly straightforward to care for, thriving in a variety of conditions with minimal maintenance. They prefer full sunlight to bloom profusely and require placement at a depth that accommodates their substantial growth. Seasonal care, including trimming dead foliage and fertilising, will ensure your water lilies remain vibrant and healthy year after year.

Frequently Asked Questions

What depth is best for planting 30 Litre Water Lilies?

They typically flourish when placed 60-120 cm below the water’s surface, allowing ample space for their leaves and flowers to spread.

Can 30 Litre Water Lilies be grown in containers?

Due to their size, they are best suited for large ponds. However, substantial, suitably sized containers can also accommodate them, offering flexibility in garden design.

How do I choose the right variety for my large pond?

Consider the overall aesthetic you wish to achieve and the conditions of your pond. Our team at Riverwood Aquatics are on hand to provide expert advice, helping you select the variety that best suits your vision and environmental conditions.

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